
Xara designer bronze look
Xara designer bronze look

xara designer bronze look

This strange weapon sounds like a culverin, and is in many was similar. Hand canon: Based on a weapon seen on pawn stars. Certain monks are proficient with the katana staff, counts as a double weapon. This effective weapon is used by survivors with martial arts training in the colonies whom had survivors who were also proficient in martial arts, and started up dojo's in these civilized colonies. Katana staff: 1d8/1d8, an exotic weapon, it is not like the double walking stick katana, but is in fact a large staff (similar to a bo staff) with katana blades on each side. It has a misfire at a natural roll of 5 or lower, and rather than breaking, the item is destroyed if misfired, causing 1d4 damage to the user. yes a pipe, blocked on one end, and a hole for a wick, sometimes a handle welded on to improve accuracy, but normally just held and aimed like a roman candle, its namesake. Roman Candle: 1d4, A primitive firearm for survival societies which have rediscovered black powder, but not perfected firearms yet. I have very few custom weapons so far, the first few are as such. Lucky for me their still reading the core rulebook, so I've had time for the main campaign as well as this side project.

xara designer bronze look

Sort of a new Dark ages, but some colonies do have electricity, and sometimes this type of technology can be integrated with these weapons (Laser sighted flintlock pepperbox, electric chainswords/chainsaws, tomohawk pipe bombs, ect). Now, my book takes place 150 years within the future, so survivors are left with flintlocks (modern cartridges are used up and nobody alive has the skills to make a modern bullet) as well medieval weapons and whats left over (Composite bows, crossbows, whatnot). Some of them suggested a post apocalyptic book I'm writing, so as a side project I've been looking for resources to help with that campaign whilst preparing their first campaign (they're going to go on an adventure with Rasputin to find a crystal skull deep within a cave by some not-so-successful pirates). I've got a new group ready reading up on the books, and I wanted their first experience with pathfinder to be fun, so I asked them what they would want. But I was specifically asking today for a modern campaign setting I'm working up. But if and when I do, I would in most cases treat them as exotic weapons and also as wondrous/magic items. I normally wouldn't allow compound bows into my game, as a fairly new gm.

Xara designer bronze look